Government Jobs are full-time or part-time jobs wherein a person works by and for a government and its citizens for the betterment of the country. Nearly all job openings within the United States government require a high school degree and many also require a college degree or specialized advanced training.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are over 3 million federal government employees, 5.3 million state government employees, and 14 million local government employees. Local governments include counties, municipalities, cities, and districts.
The ten federal government functions with the largest number of employees are the following: Postal Service, National Defense, International Relations, Healthcare, Homeland Security, Natural Resources, Law Enforcement, Financial Administration, Social Security & Medicare, and Judicial. The top ten for state and local governments includes: Education, Hospitals, Police, Corrections, Highways & Roads, Public Welfare, Legal, Fire Departments, Parks & Recreation, and Public Transit.